Sunday, December 6, 2009


This is evolution. This is love. Divine Love expanding. No lust. No need. No greed. This is love.

But is this revolution?

Political revolution?
Economic revolution?

Is this a revolution of religion?

Are we revolutionaries? We are evolutionaries, expanding, allowing, growing, glowing in the Light.

I think we are beyond revolution, literally shaking the foundation, we stand on the shoulders of political revolutions, we now experience revolution of religion but it is better termed revelation.

We are revlationaries, but are we revolutionaries?

I think not. This will not be a revolution (I once thought it was), now I see we are beyond revolution, we bring the Light.

No ideologies, no dichotomies, no arms, no battles, no wars, no Che, no Mandela, no King, but, oh yes, the Thing that burned in their hearts is now made manifest, the Light.

We will do all things and all things will be changed but our struggle is not for a new politcal system, a new market, or a new religion. This is the Coming of The Religion, the Light is here. It came with me, and with you, and is now being made manifest.

This is a revolution, but we are a revelation, and this is hands free, expansion is our weapon and the assurance of victory predestined, eternal.